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Mamaearth: Hit or a miss?

The moment I land on the website, I feel slapped with all the information. There are so many dynamic and static elements and I clearly can’t focus on one. There’s a search bar at the top, the hero section is constantly moving, and there are discounts, categories, etc. Oh, and now there’s another pop-up with yet another discount.

Before we get overwhelmed with all this information, let’s do my favorite activity - hypothesis and situations.

Situation 1: User already knows the product they want to buy. They go to the categories, select the sub-category and buy it.

Situation 2: User is on the website because of some organic search and isn’t sure about the product they want. They are also analyzing the brand at this point. So, for them, there’s a LOT of noise on the website.

Situation 3: User lands on the website through organic search, and immediately jumps to the categories and sub-categories.

My hypothesis is that most users in Situation 2 will leave the website in a few seconds.

They need a better flow and a clean interface to stop them. The copy of the hero section needs to be better, discounts need to be well-positioned and not slapped in the face every time someone opens the website.

If I were their copywriter/CRO expert, I would optimize for the bounce rate (people leaving the website in 40 seconds or less).

This is a micro teardown. If you want a full Copyteardown of Mamaearth or your own brand, reach out to me at or simply fill out this contact form.


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